Contacting the Doctor After Hours
If you have an emergency, dial 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room.
Many questions can wait until the next business day. You may call the office and leave a voice mail.
- If you need to speak with a nurse right away, call the doctor’s nurse 24 hours a day at 816-390-3579.
- If you must contact the doctor after hours, please try his home phone (816-233-7043).
- If the doctor is out of town, he will often be available on cell phone (816-262-0148).
- If you have general medical questions, or if you are unable to make contact by other means, you should call your family physician.
- The Emergency Room physician on call at the Heartland Emergency Room (816-271-6122) may be able to give you additional advice.
JCAHO Accreditation Information
Our surgical facility is inspected and accredited by JCAHO. Our accreditation is current through July 2016. Please refer to the JCAHO information under Patient Education Resources on the homepage. To report a complaint, please click here.
Facial/Skin Products and Services
Refer to the information regarding skin products and services under the AESTHETICIAN SERVICES Page.